воскресенье09 февраля 2025

В Киеве требуется обновить 2400 км теплосетей. Какие шаги предпринять для эффективной модернизации?

В Киевском городском совете намерены выделить средства на ремонт теплосетей в ходе перераспределения бюджета в марте. В столице необходимо отремонтировать 2400 километров труб.
В Киеве требуется обновить 2400 км теплосетей. Какие шаги предпринять для эффективной модернизации?

This was stated by Kyiv City Council deputy Lilia Pashinna in a comment for Novini.LIVE on Thursday, January 30.

Budget Redistribution in Kyiv

Pashinna noted that currently, only three kilometers of pipes are scheduled for modernization, while a full restoration of the networks requires the repair of 2400 km.

"I personally requested funding for the repair of networks, particularly heating networks, because the repair rates are very low. If we continue at this pace, the city simply won't survive. Everyone remembers the situation on Petlyura and Zhilyanska—there have been many such cases. There is now a list of 16 facilities in an emergency state," she stated.

The deputy hopes that the modernization of heating networks will be included in the budget redistribution in March.

"Let’s hope that we can make this happen," Pashinna concluded.

Previously, the chairman of the Union of Utility Consumers Oleg Popenko stated on the air of Vechir.LIVE that approximately 800 kilometers of heating networks urgently need complete replacement in Kyiv.

We also reported that recently in the Solomyansky district of Kyiv, there was a heating network rupture, which caused outrage among local residents. People express their dissatisfaction, as such incidents are not new in the capital. Another accident on the heating network resulted in significant damage to a building at the intersection of Zhilyanska and Simon Petlyura streets.