четверг06 февраля 2025

В Чехии могут быть созданы центры для содействия возвращению украинцев на родину.

Чешские власти изучают возможность создания центров возвращения, которые окажут поддержку украинским беженцам в их возвращении на родину. Эта инициатива будет обсуждена вице-премьером Украины Алексеем Чернышовым во время его визита в Чехию 28 января 2025 года.
В Чехии могут быть созданы центры для содействия возвращению украинцев на родину.

This was announced by Hana Mala, a representative of the Czech Ministry of the Interior, as reported by IDNES.cz.

Ideas for the Return of Refugees from Ukraine Are Being Considered in the Czech Republic

The establishment of such centers is already being discussed in other countries, particularly in Germany and Poland. In the Czech Republic, these centers will not only assist in the return process but will also serve as cultural and community hubs for Ukrainians.

"The creation of return centers in the Czech Republic will be, among other things, the subject of a meeting with the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, Oleksiy Chernyshov, who is arriving in the Czech Republic on January 28, 2025, for this purpose," said Hana Mala from the Communications Department of the Ministry of the Interior.

According to Oleksiy Chernyshov, refugees who decide to return may, in many cases, be exempt from mobilization. He also noted that Ukraine is prepared to employ returnees, particularly in the defense industry, due to a shortage of skilled workers.

As of January 2025, approximately 390,000 Ukrainian citizens with temporary protection are in the Czech Republic. The Czech Minister of the Interior, Vít Rakušan, also stated that about 60% of refugees plan to remain in the country even after the war ends.

It is worth noting that the United States has suspended the acceptance of immigrants into the country, including Ukrainians, as part of Donald Trump's policy.

Additionally, in Poland, payments to Ukrainian refugees may be cut.