Sunday09 February 2025

Heating with a heater won't suffice: how much electricity does the subsidy cover?

Excess electricity consumption is fully paid for by the individual.
Не удастся согреться с помощью обогревателя: какова сумма электроэнергии, которую покрывает субсидия?

The subsidy will assist in covering a portion of utility bills. However, it is calculated not based on the total amount in the utility bills, but rather on the cost of utility services according to consumption standards. These standards vary depending on the type of services provided; for instance, the consumption norms for cold water differ based on whether hot water supply is available or not.

As for electricity, the norms also vary. In addition to the use of electricity for heating, the number of available kWh will be influenced by the presence of an electric stove, hot water supply, etc.

Electricity Consumption Norms

For Heating

  • 30 kWh per 1 m² of heated area (including the corrective coefficient) during the heating season.

In Houses Without Stationary Electric Stoves

When there is centralized cold water supply and no hot water supply or gas water heaters:

  • 100 kWh per month for a one-person household
  • An additional 30 kWh for each additional family member
  • A maximum of 220 kWh per month.

In Houses With Stationary Electric Stoves

When there is centralized hot water supply:

  • 110 kWh per month for a one-person household
  • An additional 30 kWh for each additional family member
  • A maximum of 230 kWh per month.

When there is no centralized hot water supply:

  • 130 kWh per month for a one-person household
  • An additional 30 kWh for each additional family member
  • A maximum of 250 kWh per month.

In All Other Cases:

  • 70 kWh per month for a one-person household
  • An additional 30 kWh for each additional family member
  • A maximum of 190 kWh per month.

If an oil heater is used for additional heating on cold days, the meter will record significant readings. The device consumes on average 1.5 – 2.5 kWh of electricity. If it is used for just three hours a day, it will result in 135-225 kWh per month, which is at least twice the consumption norm for one person.

Previously, "Telegraph" reported that a family of three with an income of 20,000 UAH may be eligible for a subsidy. However, its amount will not be significantly large.